Bioinformatics Zen

A blog about bioinformatics and mindfulness by Michael Barton


This is the second post in a series discussing creating simple, reproducible and organised research workflows. In this post I will describe creating reproducible workflows using GNU Make to manage the dependencies between project steps.

A bioinformatics research project should be easily reproducible. Anyone should be able to repeat all the steps from scratch. Furthermore the simpler it is to repeat all the project's analyses from the beginning the better. Reproducibility should also include showing each intermediate step and the processes used to generate the results. Making a project reproducible makes it simpler for you to return to a project after several months and repeat your work. Reproducible research also allows you to share your work with others whom would like to build upon it.

Build files can be used to manage dependencies between steps in a workflow. Using a build file in your project therefore goes a long way towards facilitating reproducible research. GNU Make provides a syntax to describe project dependency steps as targets in a computational workflow. Each target represents a file that should be created from a described set of commands. An example Makefile looks like this:

two.txt: one.txt
    # Command line steps to create 'two.txt' using 'one.txt'

    # Command line steps to create 'one.txt'
    # Multiple lines of shell commands can be used.

Each target is described on the unindented lines. The name of the created file comes before the colon ':' and the dependencies needed to create this file come after. The shell commands to used generate the target file are on the indented lines following the target.

The Makefile example above defines two tasks, each generating a file. In this example these are the files one.txt and two.txt. In this workflow the generation of the file two.txt is dependent on the generation of one.txt. Calling make at the command line will evaluate the first target at the top of the file and then evaluate any dependencies required for this target.

The anatomy of a Makefile target is therefore a line containing the name of the file to create followed by the dependencies required to do this. Shell commands to generate the target file are then on the subsequent indented lines. Workflows are created by chaining these targets together: the output file from one target becomes the dependency for another.

I have started using GNU Make in my computational projects because this syntax allows for very light-weight specification of a workflow. The dependency system ensures that each target file is regenerated if any earlier steps change. This therefore make computational projects very reproducible. I have briefly described how GNU Make works, and in the sections below I will describe the advantages of using GNU Make.

Build workflows independent of any language

When I wrote my original post on 'organised bioinformatics experiments' I programmed mainly in Ruby. Therefore using the Ruby-based Rake as a build tool made sense as I could write in the programming language I was most familiar with.

In the last two years I've been experimenting with other languages such as Erlang and Clojure. I feel that in future I will continue to try new languages and include them in my research. Therefore the advantage of using Make over Rake is that every workflow step is simply a call to the shell rather than being tied to a specific programming language. This therefore allows me to write and call scripts written in any language.

In my my current process I package up my analysis code into scripts and call these from the Makefile. Separating each analysis step into a single file makes it much easier to switch out one language for another as long as they both return the same output format. Often I end up replacing scripts with simple shell-based combinations of pipes and coreutils. Using in-built shell commands can often be simpler and faster than writing your own script. Finally separating the analysis targets into individual files further allows an important aspect for creating more reproducible computational workflows which I'll outline in the next section.

Generative code as a target dependency

Any file can be a dependency to a Make target, including the script doing the data processing. For example, consider the example Makefile target:

output.txt: bin/analyse input.txt
    $^ > $@

The target is a file called output.txt which requires two dependencies: bin/analyse and input.txt. The target code takes advantage of Makefile macros, which simplify writing targets. In this case $^ expands to the list of dependencies and $@ expands to the target file. This is therefore similar to writing:

output.txt: bin/analyse input.txt
    bin/analyse input.txt > output.txt

The advantage of making bin/analyse as a target dependency is that whenever this file is edited this step and any downstream steps will be regenerated when I call make again. This is because bin/analyse will have a later time stamp that than the target file depending on it. This clarifies a critical part of making workflow reproducible: it is not only when input data changes that a workflow needs to be rerun, but also any scripts that process or generate data. Declaring the data processing scripts as dependencies enforces this requirement.

Abstraction of analysis steps

Consider this example Makefile with three targets:

all: prot001.txt prot0002.txt prot003.txt

%.txt: ./bin/intensive_operation %.fasta
   $^ > $@

    curl$* > $@

Here the target all depends on the files: prot00[1-3].txt. This target however defines no code to create them. Furthermore in the following lines there are no tasks to generate any of these files individually, instead there are tasks to generate files based on two file type extensions: .txt or .fasta. When the Makefile is evaluated these wild card operators are expanded to create targets for files that match the extensions. For instance the following steps would be executed to generate prot001.txt.

prot001.txt: ./bin/intensive_operation prot001.fasta
    ./bin/intensive_operation prot001.fasta > prot001.txt

    curl > prot001.fasta

This wild card % target specification allows the process to be abstracted out independently of individual files. Generalised targets are instead created for files based on their file extension. This makes it much simpler to change the data analysed whilst still maintaining the same workflow. Concretely, this means you can specify additional files to be generated in the all task without changing the rest of the workflow. Idiomatically, I would use a variable named objects to specify the output I am interested in.

objects = prot001.txt prot002.txt prot003.txt

all: $(objects)

%.txt: ./bin/intensive_operation %.fasta
    $^ > $@

    curl$* > $@

You could go even further than this however and move the list of target files to a separate file and read their names in as a dependency. This would mean you would only change the Makefile when making changes to your workflow, thereby isolating changes between the workflow process and the workflow inputs to different files in the revision control history.

Very simple parallelisation

Bigger data sets require more time to process and taking advantage of multi-core processors is a cheap way to reduce this. Given the Makefile I outlined in the previous section I can invoke make as follows.

make -j 4

As I defined my targets above by abstracting out the process based on file extension each target step can be run independently. Therefore Make can use a separate process to generate each of the required files. If the number of files required to be generated exceeds the number of processes specified by the -j flag then these will begin after previous targets have finished. This is a very cheap method to add multi-core parallelisation to a workflow, as long as you can abstract out the workflow processes to fit this.


GNU Make provides a very elegant functional language, where targets can be thought of as functions mapping the data from one input file into an output file. The Make syntax is however still very simple, and adding or updating tasks is straight-forward. Furthermore it is simple to include your own scripts as dependencies in a workflow or drop down to fast and powerful combinations of coreutil functions.