Bioinformatics Zen

A blog about bioinformatics and mindfulness by Michael Barton

Pytest API Examples

I use pytest in most python projects, and I've had a feeling that I haven't been been using most of the features it provides, since I tend to only use @pytest.mark from the API. I spent some time reading through the pytest documentation and playing with some examples in a pytest jupyter notebook to get more familiarity with what's possible. After a few hours of playing around with pytest, realised there pytest has much more functionality than I had been using. Read below for some of the examples. Most of this article is a reconstitution of what's in the pytest documentation for my own self-learning. In addition to the pytest documentation there's useful videos, and plugins listed on the awesome pytest GitHub repository.

Pytest Fixtures

Fixtures are a large part of the pytest API, and the part I was least familiar with. Fixtures are included in test function by adding them as parameters to the function. The pytest API comes with a few builtin fixtures: useful ones for temporary files are tmp_path and tmp_path_factory shown below.

import pathlib

import pytest

def test_with_tmp_path(tmp_path: pathlib.Path):
"""The `tmp_path` fixture provides a temporary directory."""
assert tmp_path.is_dir()

def test_with_tmp_path_factory(tmp_path_factory: pytest.TempPathFactory):
"""The `tmp_path_factory` fixture provides a factory for directories."""
assert tmp_path_factory.mktemp("temp_dir").is_dir()

Using fixtures to teardown

Documentation: pytest fixture, fixture finalization

If you want to perform clean up on a fixture after it has been used, you can use yield instead of return when creating a custom fixture function. The fixture will then run the code defined after the yield statement, after the fixture-using test returns.

import tempfile
import typing

import pytest

def fetch_file_from_s3() -> pathlib.Path:
"""Simulate fetching a very large file from s3."""
print("Fetching a large file from S3.")
_, loc = tempfile.mkstemp()
return pathlib.Path(loc)

def example_data_file_with_teardown() -> typing.Generator[pathlib.Path, None, None]:
"""Yield a large file, then delete it after each test completes."""
large_data_file = fetch_file_from_s3()
yield large_data_file
print("Cleaning up file: {}".format(large_data_file))

def test_fixture_teardown_1(example_data_file_with_teardown: pathlib.Path):
assert example_data_file_with_teardown.exists()

def test_fixture_teardown_2(example_data_file_with_teardown: pathlib.Path):
assert example_data_file_with_teardown.exists()
Fetching a large file from S3.
Cleaning up file: /var/folders/kw/hfflzwfs3xl1_xzq83270dh40000gn/T/tmpxopqxa82
Fetching a large file from S3.
Cleaning up file: /var/folders/kw/hfflzwfs3xl1_xzq83270dh40000gn/T/tmpznlgytod

Scoping fixtures

Documentation: scope sharing

In the example above the code after the yield runs every time the fixture is used, this might be inappropriate if the fixture is computationally expensive. An alternative to caching the result (described below), would be to set the scope of the fixture with pytest.fixture(scope=...). For example pytest.fixture(scope="session") will run only once for the entire pytest session. Possible values for scope=... are ["class", "module", "package", "session"]. A Callable can also be passed which will be evaluated once, see dynamic scope.

import pathlib
import tempfile
import typing

import pytest

def example_data_file_for_session() -> typing.Generator[pathlib.Path, None, None]:
"""Yield a large file, then delete it after the test completes."""
large_data_file = fetch_file_from_s3()
yield large_data_file
print("Cleaning up file: {}".format(large_data_file))

def test_fixture__session_teardown_1(example_data_file_for_session: pathlib.Path):
print("Running test 1")
assert example_data_file_for_session.exists()

def test_fixture_session_teardown_2(example_data_file_for_session: pathlib.Path):
print("Running test 2")
assert example_data_file_for_session.exists()
Fetching a large file from S3.
Running test 1
Running test 2
Cleaning up file: /var/folders/kw/hfflzwfs3xl1_xzq83270dh40000gn/T/tmp5t2gy4fi

Parameterising fixtures

If you find yourself using the same pytest.mark.parametrize arguments multiple times in your tests, this can be refactored into a fixture using pytest.fixture(params=...)

import pathlib
import tempfile

import pytest

def check_input_file(input_file: pathlib.Path) -> None:
if not input_file.is_file():
"""Helper function to test file existence."""
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File not found: {input_file.absolute()}")

def run_cli(input_file: pathlib.Path) -> None:
"""Simulate running a cli tool."""
except FileNotFoundError:
return 1
return 0

@pytest.fixture(params=["", tempfile.mkdtemp(), "/non_existing_file"])
def invalid_file(request) -> pathlib.Path:
return pathlib.Path(request.param)

def test_check_input_file(invalid_file):
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
print("Unit test passes checking for input file: {}".format(invalid_file))

def test_cli_app(invalid_file):
assert run_cli(invalid_file) == 1
print("CLI test passes checking for file: {}".format(invalid_file))
Unit test passes checking for input file: .
Unit test passes checking for input file: /var/folders/kw/hfflzwfs3xl1_xzq83270dh40000gn/T/tmp8n_8y0xu
Unit test passes checking for input file: /non_existing_file
CLI test passes checking for file: .
CLI test passes checking for file: /var/folders/kw/hfflzwfs3xl1_xzq83270dh40000gn/T/tmp8n_8y0xu
CLI test passes checking for file: /non_existing_file

Break up expensive serial tests

There can be scenarios in end to end tests where it's necessary to test the output artefact with multiple assertions. An example of this might be:

import pathlib
import tempfile
import typing

import pandas

def long_running_computation(
tmp_path: pathlib.Path
) -> typing.Tuple[pathlib.Path, pathlib.Path]:
"""An example function to simulate what might be a long running process."""

raw_collected_data = pandas.DataFrame(
"sample_id": [1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2],
"measurement": [0.1, 0.09, 2, 2.3, 5, 4.8, 7.2, 8.3],
"test_variable": ["A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "B"],

# Here's the raw output
raw_data_file = tmp_path / "raw_data.csv"

# Here's some computation on the raw output
averages_data_file = tmp_path / "sample_averages.csv"

return raw_data_file, averages_data_file

def test_long_e2e_test(tmp_path: pathlib.Path):
"""Long running e2e test."""

# Assume this data was generated from an expensive computation that takes a
# few minutes to run each time.
raw_data_file, averages_data_file = long_running_computation(tmp_path)

# If these tests fail ...
assert raw_data_file.exists()
assert raw_data_file.read_text()

# ... these then won't be executed.
# Which can be brittle and need multiple run-fix cycles before all assertions
# are passing.
assert averages_data_file.exists()
assert averages_data_file.read_text()

A problem with test structure above is that running a lot of tests in serial means the later tests won't execute if any of the earlier ones fail which can require running the same tests multiple times until all the serial tests execute. These can instead be rewritten to take advantage of fixtures and still run all the tests even if some them fail. This should lead to shorter testing cycles.

import pytest
import pathlib

# Move the long running code into a fixture and make sure it runs only once per
# testing session
def computation_data(
tmp_path_factory: pytest.TempPathFactory,
) -> typing.Dict[str, pathlib.Path]:

# tmp_path_factory is a fixture provided by pytest:
tmp_path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("e2e_test")

# This data was generated by a long compuation.
raw_file, averages_file = long_running_computation(tmp_path)

# Return the files for testing.
return {"raw": raw_file, "averages": averages_file}

# Both these tests use the compuation data as a fixture.
# Which means if either test fails, the other tests will still run.
# This can also make the tests more modular and easy to read.

def test_raw_data_file(computation_data: typing.Dict[str, pathlib.Path]):
raw_data_file = computation_data["raw"]
assert raw_data_file.exists()
assert raw_data_file.read_text()

def test_averates_data_file(computation_data: typing.Dict[str, pathlib.Path]):
averages_file = computation_data["averages"]
assert averages_file.exists()
assert averages_file.read_text()

Use LineMatcher for testing large text

The LineMatcher helper class provides methods that can reduce boiler plate testing large blocks of text. This provides methods for testing presence and absence of lines.

import textwrap

from _pytest import pytester

def test_large_text():
example_text = textwrap.dedent(
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;


matcher = pytester.LineMatcher(example_text.splitlines())

# Check some lines exist in the text
matcher.fnmatch_lines_random(["Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,"])

# Check lines exist with a regex
matcher.re_match_lines_random(["Two roads diverged in a .* wood,"])

# Check lines don't exist with a regex
matcher.no_fnmatch_line("And looked down two as far as I could")

Caching large files or computations

Documentation: Cache config

Pytest provides a cache that can be used for expensive operations between test runs such as large computations or fetching large data. This can used prevent expensive computations from slowing down tests. The cache can be cleared using the command line flag: pytest --cache-clear.

To access the cache the pytestconfig fixture needs to be in arguments to a fixture, this will be an instance of _pytest.config.Config. The caveat to using the get/set methods is they have to be JSON serialisable, so in the examples below I convert pathlib.Path objects back and forth to strings to serialise into the cache.

import pytest
from _pytest import config

def example_data_file(pytestconfig: config.Config) -> pathlib.Path:
"""Fetch and cache a large file from s3.

If the file is in the cache, return it. If it's not in the cache,
then fetch it, cache it, then return it. This will be cached across
multiple testing sessions.


if not (data_file := pytestconfig.cache.get("file_key", None)):
data_file = fetch_file_from_s3()
pytestconfig.cache.set("file_key", str(data_file))
print("Using cached version of file.")

return pathlib.Path(data_file)

def test_file_1(example_data_file: pathlib.Path):
"""This test will use the non-cached version."""
print("Running test 1")
assert example_data_file.exists()

def test_file_2(example_data_file: pathlib.Path):
"""Second time around this will use the cached version."""
print("Running test 2")
assert example_data_file.exists()
Fetching a large file from S3.
Running test 1
Using cached version of file.
Running test 2

Thanks to Peter Kerpedjiev for proof reading this post.